It’s 1939 and Hitler just invaded Poland. Henry is 13 years old, and unbeknownst to him or his family, his life is about to change forever. Soon he is torn from his siblings and parents and finds himself packed…
ISBN: 978-1-943532-27-8 Size: 4.4” x 6.25” Portrait Pages: 144pp Binding: Soft Bound Publication Date: Fall 2019 World Rights: Available
25 in stock
”It's 1939 and Hitler just invaded Poland. Henry is 13 years old“
4.4” x 6.25” Portrait
Soft Bound
Fall 2019
All proceeds from the book will be donated to the Henry Koperweis Foundation for Holocaust Education. www.henrykoperweisfoundation.org
It’s 1939 and Hitler just invaded Poland. Henry is 13 years old, and unbeknownst to him or his family, his life is about to change forever. Soon he is torn from his siblings and parents and finds himself packed into a covered truck with dozens of desperate strangers. He doesn’t have any idea where he’s going or when he’ll be let out, if ever.
Henry is now struggling for his life in one of the most diabolical and murderous events in human history—the Nazi plan to exterminate every last Jew in Europe.
Travel with him to a munitions factory in his hometown of Radom, where he is forced to labor twelve hours a day with barely enough rations to keep him alive. Discover how he manages to obtain extra food through ingenuity and a willingness to risk his life. Would we have the courage to do the same?
Follow Henry to an airstrip in Unterriexingen where he is put to work in the freezing cold with barely any clothes and no shoes to protect him from the elements. Learn how, during an Allied air strike, he escapes to a nearby farmhouse where he pleads with the owner to take him in after he’s caught eating with the swine.
Feel what it’s like to hold a Luger for the first time while Henry struggles with the idea of killing the Nazi officer who allows him to clean his pistol and shine his boots when he is not forced to work building what would someday become his own prison. Would you pull the trigger?
Walk with Henry on a ‘death march’ through the streets of Germany with no end in sight, having to endure the taunts of passersby who yell nasty epithets and throw stones at him while he reaches for a discarded apple core and is stabbed in the back by a Nazi soldier’s bayonet. How many of us would have the strength to continue in such circumstances?
Journey 600 feet below the earth to the salt mines in Kochendorf where Henry is forced to slave all day in unbearable conditions while building Nazi storage facilities for art stolen from Jews throughout Europe.
Experience the horror of a massacre that forces Henry to take quick action that leaves him crawling for his life through the snow-filled forests of the Swiss Alps to emerge as one of a handful of survivors.
Never take another day for granted after hearing this harrowing tale of courage and survival that leads Henry to freedom after being liberated by Black American GI’s who are themselves fighting racism and inequality in a segregated U.S. military.
Gain insights as to why the Nazis, and Hitler in particular, hated the Jews, making them the enemy of society and labeling them untermenschen—subhuman.
This true-to-life story shines as a beacon of hope and perseverance and serves as a backdrop-narrative to remind us that racism and hate can lead to murderous behavior and the rapid destruction of civil society.
‘Every Last Jew’ is a beautifully written memoir by Henry’s son Mark Koperweis that will take you on a journey that is up-close, personal, and in full living horror. When you emerge, you will never again see the world or your life in the same way. It will change you, as it did Henry, forever.
Mark Koperweis is co-founder and Executive Director of the Henry Koperweis Foundation for Holocaust Education, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jews of Europe. He lives in Oakland, California, where he owns and operates a successful window coverings business—draperyGuru®. This is his first book, compiled from hours of recorded interviews with his father Henry—the subject of this memoir. To learn more please visit: www.henrykoperweisfoundation.org
“This compelling story makes you feel like you are right there, running with every survival instinct to escape the Holocaust.” —Barbara Boxer, Author and former US Senator.
“A gripping retelling of the numbing hunger, the blind drive for being, and the overwhelming anguish of suffering that puts one alongside the hero [Henry]. Yet somehow his humanity, his Jewish spark of decency, lifts him above all horror to give meaning to the words, L’Chaim- to LIfe!” —Rabbi Ben Tzion Welton Executive Director, Vaad of Northern California.
“I’m so moved I am in tears. And it was so beautifully written.” —Valli Benesch, Board Member of UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, Oakland, California.
“This survival story is both compelling and timely. I could not stop reading. It is such a heartbreaking chapter in human history, and I appreciated hearing this personal account.” —Laurel Sprigg, Owner of Laurel Sprigg Custom Sewing, San Francisco.
“It made me cry and cheer. One of the bravest stories I have ever heard. Very well written and must be shared with many people…I will cherish this story always.” —Anita Kiesewetter, Nevada City, California.
“Wow! I couldn’t stop reading. [The protagonist] had an amazing, unbelievable strength of character and perseverance. Very well written.” —Kathleen Redmond, Owner of Magnolia Lane Soft Home Furnishings, South San Francisco.
“This is fantastic. Although we all know about the Holocaust, this brings a great perspective through a personal story. It was well written, easy to read, and captured my heart. I couldn’t stop once I started.” —Tim Mosley, Insurance Agent, Marin, California.
“Powerful is my first choice of descriptive language…It is quite gripping and intense, simply impossible to stop reading until finishing it.” —Dana Joyce, Artist, Florida.
“The chapters are each so compelling. They kept me on the edge of my seat while at the same time breaking my heart. This book is a testament of intense suffering, courage, ingenuity and providential grace [that] touched me deeply.” —Carol Larkin, Retired High School Art Teacher at Holy Names High School, Oakland, California.
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